Punch Rounding: The Seven-Minute Rule Explained

Punch Rounding: The Seven-Minute Rule Explained

Unveiling the Seven-Minute Rule's Impact on Payroll, Compliance, and Workplace Efficiency
The Seven-Minute Rule

Life is full of unexpected surprises. Oftentimes, these obstacles arise in the most inconvenient times and places, such as during our commute to work, where unexpected events, like traffic mishaps, adverse weather, or sudden illnesses can disrupt an employee’s timely arrival. 

Late arrivals pose challenges for both employees and employers. Employees may find justifying their tardiness anxiety-inducing, while employers lacking robust time tracking plans face the cumulative cost of absorbed tardy minutes. 

Fear not, for a formidable solution awaits. Continue reading to learn how timely attendance management may be a few clicks away. 

What Is the Seven-Minute Rule?

When overseeing employee time entries,  employers have the legal authority to round punches up or down. This permissible practice, often recognized as the seven-minute rule, is governed by the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). 

According to the FLSA, rounding time in increments up to 15 minutes is allowed. This regulation proves particularly beneficial for payroll tracking, providing a practical approach to simplifying the recording process into more manageable 15-minute segments rather than requiring minute-by-minute precision. 

Seven Minute Law Example

Tip: Consider using an online time clock—it will log exact times automatically, eliminating the need for manual rounding and ensuring precise payroll records.

Time Clocks: How They Function

Serving as the authoritative recorder of employees’ arrivals and departures, a time clock, whether using traditional Bundy clocks or advanced biometric scanners, comes in numerous varieties. Regardless of the chosen format, their core purpose remains consistent: systematically collecting and storing data on employees’ attendance patterns. 

Regardless of your business's size or scope, a suitable time clock exists to meet your needs. For those aiming to elevate time management and enhance long-term productivity, consider incorporating OnTheClock’s intuitive software. Beyond capturing punches, this versatile tool offers features, such as geolocation tracking, job costing and reporting, seamless payroll integration, and more. 

The legal foundation of the seven-minute rule spans decades, marked by several pivotal court cases: 

  • In 1946, Anderson v. Mt. Clemens Pottery Co. set a precedent, barring employers from routinely rounding employee punches down to the nearest quarter hour if it leads to wage underpayment. Employers may round, but it must be neutral – both up and down from the midpoint. 
  • In 1999, Heppner v. Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co. allowed rounding down for short breaks (under 20 minutes) but not for longer ones. 
  • In 2008, Strickland v. City of Albany addressed an automated system consistently rounding down, violating the FLSA’s neutrality requirement. 
  • Most recently, in 2023, Houston v. St. Luke's Health System revived a lawsuit challenging a hospital's practice of rounding punches down to the nearest quarter-hour, arguing it did not average out over time. 

These cases underscore the necessity for organizations to maintain neutrality in rounding employee hours, avoiding systematic disadvantage. Vigilance and periodic timekeeping audits are paramount for FLSA compliance.  

State Laws Regulating Time Rounding

Across the U.S., states like California, Florida, and New York generally align with FLSA minimum standards for timekeeping. Nevertheless, divergent regulations surface in various states, intensifying the complexity of rounding employee punches. Here are some examples:

  • Michigan mandates punches to be rounded to the nearest tenth of an hour. 
  • In Oregon, automatic punch rounding is explicitly prohibited. 
  • Maine disallows rounding punches down for nonexempt employees, effectively obviating teh necessity for specific rounding policy disclosures.
    In Illinois, the introduction of legislation mandating wage transparency could indirectly require the disclosure of rounding policies. 

Given this state-by-state variance, it’s imperative to meticulously scrutinize your specific state laws to ensure your company is following the most current regulatory information. 

The Impact on Business Operations

Workplace time rounding carries both advantages and disadvantages, with statistical insights illuminating its impact on business operations. 

Cost Savings: According to a 2016 ADP study, rounding practices can yield employers an average savings of 2%-3% on payroll costs, contingent on rounding policies and company size.

Industry Impact: A 2020 Sage survey pinpointed the retail and hospitality sectors as the most significant savers, enjoying cost reductions ranging from 5%-7% through rounding practices. 

Combatting Time Theft: A 2019 study by the American Payroll Association emphasized that time theft costs employers three times more than inaccuracies in rounding practices. 

Employee Morale: A 2020 study by Kronos Inc. highlighted that 41% of employees feel frustrated or slighted when their time is rounded down, potentially influencing overall morale and engagement.  

Perceived Fairness: A 2018 study by the Society for Human Resource Management underscored the importance of fair and accurate timekeeping practices, revealing that 74% of employees consider them essential to a positive work environment. 

Benefits and Challenges of Time Rounding

Time rounding brings forth notable advantages and potential drawbacks, presenting a nuanced landscape for consideration: 

Simplicity in Calculations: Rounding streamlines payroll and accounting tasks, alleviating the need for meticulous minute-by-minute tracking and enhancing manageability. 

Reduced Administrative Burden: Employers, especially those managing a large workforce, may find rounding administratively convenient, saving significant tie and effort in tracking and processing payroll. 

Minimizes Disputes: Rounding mitigates disputes related to timekeeping, offering a standardized method that is easier to manage and less susceptible to disagreements. 

Promotes Punctuality: Rounding encourages punctuality as employees, aware of the rounding practice, are more inclined to ensure timely attendance, fostering a punctual work culture. 


Accuracy Concerns: Rounding introduces potential inaccuracies in compensation, as employees may not be remunerated for the precise time worked, accumulating dissatisfaction over time. 

Legal Compliance Challenges: Laws regarding time rounding can vary by jurisdiction, necessitating compliance with precise payment regulations to avoid legal complications. 

Trust and Morale Implications: If perceived as unfair, rounding can erode employee trust and morale. Clear communication and transparent policies are vital for sustaining a positive work environment.

Technological Advancements: With modern technological advancements, some argue that precision is now more achievable, potentially rendering rounding practices obsolete in certain industries. 

Real-World Applications 

Punch rounding, as regulated by federal law, operates as follows: 

Zero-minute punch rounding records punches precisely by the minute.

With six-minute punch rounding:
  • 7:57:00 to 8:03:00 rounds to 8:00
  • 7:56:59 rounds to 7:54
  • 8:03:01 rounds to 8:06
Using 15-minute rounding: 
  • 7:52:30 to 8:07.30 rounds to 8:00
  • 7:52:29 rounds to 7:45
  • 8:07:31 rounds to 8:15

Implementing the Seven-Minute Rule

When implementing a significant policy shift, it's crucial to adhere to proper protocol. Ensure employees are not only informed about the change but also educated on the reasons behind it and provided guidance on how to comply.

Steps for Effective Implementation

Ensure seamless implementation of the seven-minute rule by following these optimized steps:

Legal Consultation: Before altering time tracking policies, consult legal professionals to guarantee compliance with labor laws.

Policy Approval: Once legal approval is secured, proceed with these seven steps:

  • Clear Communication: Inform employees about the rule. Clearly define punch rounding and showcase its benefits for both employees and the organization.
  • Documented Policy: Create an internal policy detailing the rule, including specifics on rounding occurrences and potential impacts on overtime calculations.
  • Staff Training: Conduct small group training sessions to educate employees on the new policy, addressing questions or concerns for comprehensive understanding.
  • Time Clock Updates: Ensure your timekeeping software accommodates the seven-minute rounding logic. Consider upgrading if needed.
  • Prioritize Consistency: Emphasize that the policy applies uniformly to all employees, irrespective of their titles, fostering fairness and transparency.
  • Timely Addressing of Concerns: Actively listen to and promptly address employee concerns or feedback related to the new policy, maintaining a positive work environment.
  • Regular Reviews and Adjustments: Periodically review the rule's effectiveness and adjust policies based on employee feedback or unforeseen challenges.

Tip: Before implementing any rounding policy, establish a channel for employees to provide feedback or express concerns about the changes.

By combining effective communication, thorough training, and consistent application, you can establish a fair and efficient time tracking system benefiting both your business and employees.

Tools and Software for Time Management

When considering adding time rounding, a company must possess the appropriate tools and software. Modern time tracking software is multifaceted, offering payroll integration, scheduling, and other essential functionalities, providing comprehensive and efficient time management. 

How OnTheClock Can Help You

OnTheClock offers six and 15-minute punch rounding options. This option can be activated in seconds. to learn how. 

In addition to punch rounding, OnTheClock offers numerous other time tracking features, including biometric capabilities, geolocation tracking, job costing and reporting, payroll integration, and much more. Adopted by more than 125,000 employees with a global 4.8-star rating, OnTheClock is an accurate, efficient, and flexible time tracking solution for businesses of all sizes and functions. to try it today, for free, for 30 days.

Ethical and Practical Considerations

Time rounding is a frequently contested matter in the U.S., most commonly instigated by employees questioning the accuracy of their compensation. Federal courts have consistently ruled that a rounding system remains lawful as long as it maintains even-handedness — applying uniform rules to both the addition and subtraction of time. Ensure the accuracy of your rounding system by conducting regular audits and prioritizing balance for both precision and fairness.

Ensuring Employee Satisfaction and Compliance

Ensuring employee satisfaction and compliance with time rounding policies demands a thoughtful and transparent approach. Tailored strategies for effective time rounding practices encompass clear communication, comprehensive education and training, meticulous documentation, and accessibility. Prioritizing fairness, consistency, employee involvement, feedback incorporation, a clear dispute resolution procedure, and regular audits are crucial. To cultivate a positive culture, employers can also consider recognizing consistent punctuality with team shout-outs or rewarding the "most punctual employee" with prizes during team meetings.


Punch rounding is legally allowed in the U.S. under the FLSA. However, ensure employees clearly understand the company’s thought-process behind implementing such a policy. Highlight the benefits and demonstrate how flexibile time tracking allows both employees and employers a workable option when it comes to addressing tardiness or tasks that extend beyond a scheduled shift. Otherwise, you may find yourself in court.

Thus, in summary, when implementing the seven-minute rule, communicate clearly, document appropriately, and be consistent. By prioritizing accuracy, fairness, and compliance, organizations can build a work environment that fosters employee satisfaction, trust, and long-term success.

OnTheClock Employee Time Tracking

Written by

Herb Woerpel

Herb Woerpel is a copywriter with OnTheClock. He has 17-plus years of professional journalism experience working for community and national media outlets.

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