Once you have authorized single sign-on, click
on the main login page for faster login. After creating your desktop shortcuts, you should have a desktop icon with your desired name to launch OnTheClock.
My Account has Been Locked
If you receive the message that your account has been locked, this means there have been 10 unsuccessful attempts to log in. Wait 5 minutes and try again or retrieve your password by clicking "Forgot Password."
We don’t currently have a forgot email/username option. However, you can enter the email address you think you would have used by clicking the “Forgot Password?” Or “Reset Password?” link. It will ask you to enter the email address that is on file with your account. If you get the error message, “Sorry, we could not find your email in OnTheClock, please try another email address.” try another email address until you get “Help is on its way, please check your email for the password reset link.”.
Yes — however, the only way to do this is if the username is their phone number.
No — they will only have the ability to log in with an email address. There is still a spot in the admin or manager profile for a phone number, but the system does not use this as a login credential. Phone numbers for admins or managers are not allowed at this time because there is no username field for a phone number to be entered into.
If you get the message that “The Account Has Been Locked”, there have been 10 attempts; wait 5 minutes to try again. You may then reset your password or log in if you have learned the correct password. Password reset is the best option.