Commercial and Residential Cleaning Service That Uses OnTheClock

Zeppelin Services Inc. becomes more efficient

Chris was collecting his employees' hours worked for the work week and manually entering their hours for payroll. As the company grew, so did his crew and naturally, so did his time spent manually calculating his employee's hours. He knew there had to be a better, more efficient solution to this.


Paper timesheets and manually adding hours into payroll was becoming a hassle



Zeppelin Services Inc.

Tell us about you

Chris owns and operates a commercial and residential cleaning company specializing in cleaning carpet, air duct, and janitorial services in Michigan. He started the business back in 2008 and has focused on providing his customers with valuable and quality services, which has allowed the business to grow organically and exponentially, especially in recent years. Chris recognizes that a significant reason for the company's success is tied back to the team that he works closely. "We have a great team and culture that allows us to be good at what we do, which has helped the company grow."

The challenges you faced

    Recognizing a new process was needed

    With the success and growth of the business, it meant a more efficient time tracking solution was needed for Chris to continue operating at the level he was. "Before OnTheClock, we were handwriting hours and putting them on spreadsheets." Chirs explained how he needed a solution that could be used to keep track of the employee's time in the different locations they traveled to throughout the day for the work completed to accommodate his companies growing needs.

    Avoiding implementation nightmares

    Like most business owners, implementing a new process can be overwhelming because the setup process can be incredibly confusing. When we asked Chris about how his experience was launching his OnTheClock account, he responded with OnTheClock is extremely user-friendly. If you can play a video game, then you can use OnTheClock." Reaching out to support with questions on how to go about setting up his account was non-existent because he "Didn't really need to do any of that." That is how simple he found the system to be.

“If you can play a video game, you can use OnTheClock.”

Chris Verified Customer

How OnTheClock helped

Chris has found that his transition from written hours and excel sheets to OnTheClock has reduced the amount of time he spends calculating payroll for his employees. He told us, "It's easy to add in hours and change hours if needed. The presentation of how it's laid out when printing out payroll." OnTheClock is everything he needed to increase his payroll efficiency. It was at the right price point for him to see the value in getting his time back for other responsibilities. Chris ended his discussion with us by saying that he felt that OnTheClock was different from other systems he has used in the past in that "[OnTheClock] is easy to use and didn't require any training on my part. Everyone on our team says it's a piece of cake."

"It's easy to add in hours and change hours if needed." - Chris

"[OnTheClock] is easy to use and didn't require any training on my part. Everyone on our team says it's a piece of cake."
- Chris

Improve your employee
time tracking experience

OnTheClock is simple, affordable and works with all of
your favorite tools!

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