Packrat is Hauling Junk While On The Clock

Packrat Junk & Hauling Increases Accountability

Brent initially used a manual timesheet method where employees were ultimately responsible for documenting their hours and handing them in at the end of the pay period.




New York

Packrat Junk & hauling

Tell us about you

Packrat Junk & Hauling is a company located in New York dedicated to removing the stress of junk removal from commercial real estate properties, so they are showroom ready in no time. Brent says the company's goal is to expand into other markets, specifically Philadelphia and New Jersey.

The challenges you faced

    We were all here at 9:00 am.

    Brent initially used a manual timesheet method where employees were ultimately responsible for documenting their hours and handing them in at the end of the pay period. He noticed that most time cards had a start time of 9:00 am, but security logs showed that employees were not on site until 9:30 am. He needed a way to increase the accuracy of time logged at jobs and hold employees accountable.


    Brent mentioned that employees have the flexibility to meet on the job site. A lot of times, if you live in the job site area, it just makes more sense to meet there instead of at the lot. He knew he needed a method for time tracking that was accessible and easy for everyone to use. A mobile app option that can show GPS would help manage his crew's time.

    Can everyone easily use this

    "We are not computer programmers or necessarily tech-savvy," Brent said. It was important to him that the software he chose for time tracking needed little direction and made sense from the viewpoint of both employee and employer. Employees need to understand how to operate the time clock in the field, and management needs to know how to review and adjust the time.

    Can I get help if I need it

    Brent likes to figure it out on his own and can mostly get going with anything with the use of video tutorials or webinars. A chat option to get in touch with a representative to quickly help resolve a problem during the day when you have so much going on is a plus.

“We were using paper time sheets. Amazing that everyone showed up at exactly 9:00 am. We had to deal with legible handwriting, and the “Oh, I lost my timecard.” Looking back at security logs, and realizing [employees] showed up at 9:30am, I was lying in bed saying there has to be a better way! ”

Brent Verified Customer

How OnTheClock helped

"I don't have to go to an excel spreadsheet to add all the time up. I was able to easily identify this morning that no, you didn't clock out and correct it and have access to all the past records," said Brent. Leaving behind the excel spreadsheet and handwritten times has ensured that the time is recorded accurately and is easy to reference. Now no one says, "I lost my time card." For Packrat, traveling is a big part of the day; downloading the mobile app and tracking employee GPS has helped pin down that employees are where they need to be during work hours. Brent has found on the clock super easy for employees to onboard. He said, "They download, get a link, sign in, click this, click that, it's just so easy." Easy onboarding means more time for management because they will not need to answer questions from employees about how to use the time clock. OnTheClock offers many resources for learning use, and Support is available if any questions arise with a Live Chat option. "I chatted in with a couple of questions about adding a day, which worked great." A preferred method to be in touch when you're busy and on the go.

"Using a software like this, it would save hours of time and headaches. It is well worth the expense."- Brent

"I chatted in with a couple of questions about adding a day, which worked great."
- Brent

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