Operate Multiple Companies Affordably Through OnTheClock

Operate Multiple Companies Affordably Through OnTheClock

"In operations, I do a little bit of everything," Joe said. He knew he needed to look for a way to consolidate services to reduce costs.


Affordable Time Tracking



Extreme Marketing

Tell us about you

Joe has been operating two businesses for five years now. The first is Extreme Marketing Team which has been around since 2009 and offers a bundle of services from marketing, business consulting, and telemarketing. He also operates Speegle Agency which is an insurance agency. Speegle insurance has plans to diversify what insurance they sell, such as life insurance, benefits, and even supplemental. The overall goal is to continue growth for both businesses and generate leads.

The challenges you faced

    Consolidating services

    Operating two companies is no easy feat. When Joe took on his role, he knew he needed to look for a way to consolidate services to reduce costs. "We wanted to consolidate expenses and streamline operations," Joe said. Time tracking is an essential service to help ensure employees get paid properly. The Speegle Agency used OnTheClock, but the Extreme Marketing Team had a different software. Joe needed to research the benefits between both platforms to ensure he got the best value for time tracking.


    A company that staffs telemarketing agents tends to have higher turnover rates. It was important to Joe that the system they went with offered flexibility. The time clock needed to adapt as quickly as the company does with staffing changes.


    One of the main priorities for Joe when heading operations was affordability. The software they chose needed to be cost-effective. "How much are we spending to track time was my biggest question," Joe said.


    When comparing different options for time tracking, Joe was interested in a system that was consistently growing and updating its product for customers. The system also needs to maintain ease of use for continued use by employees, which is critical in a fast-paced environment where the time to onboard is a small window.

“We wanted to consolidate expenses and streamline operations”

Joe Verified Customer

How OnTheClock helped

Joe took over operations and has been handling this business for about five years. Making the switch to OnTheClock allowed him flexibility in managing time for both companies. He utilizes linked accounts and said, "We were able to merge the two companies with just one login administratively. This is the game changer. It works really well." Seamlessly managing two different companies for payroll has helped combine everything in one place. The mobile app's GPS capability has helped correct time issues, "It allowed us to identify a lot of time theft with GPS and seeing employees clocking in and out about 45 minutes away from the office." Joe said. OnTheClock's commission feature has given employees more visibility into what they have earned for the day. Commission tracking and paid time off have improved communication between administration and employees. Now both administration and staff can see what days are available, reducing questions about time off or commission earned. He has benefited from the integrated Hr360 tool for compliance and salary benchmarking. "In operations, I do a little bit of everything," Joe said. "I get more and more impressed that there is so much information in hr360 for the compliant edge. It's a phenomenal resource." he continued. OnTheClock offered flexibility for a company with a high turnover with a per-employee pricing model. "The flexibility and the services offered make it a no-brainer."

"The flexibility and the services offered make it a no-brainer"
- Joe

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