By default, there are four categories for PTO: vacation, holiday, sick, and personal. Categories can be renamed to fit your company's policies. You don’t have to use each category.
(optional) Change PTO Categories to Match Policy
- Step 1: Log in to your OnTheClock account via a browser.
- Step 2: Navigate to “Settings ,” then “Time Clock Settings”.
- Step 3: Click “Advanced Settings ”.
- Step 4: Under “Time Card Columns,” locate the type of PTO you wish to rename.
- Step 5: Type your preferred category name in the “New Name” column.

Set Up PTO for Individual Employees
- Step 1: Log in to OnTheClock as an administrator via a browser.
- Step 2: Navigate to your “Employee ” tab.
- Step 3: Locate the employee you’d wish to modify.
- Step 4: From the employee’s profile, select “PTO Settings ”.
- Step 5: Set your PTO rules for this employee and “Save”.
Set Up PTO for Multiple Employees
There are two ways to add PTO to multiple employees: Employee Groups and Bulk PTO.
By Employee Group
The Employee Groups option is best utilized if you have a group of employees who all receive the same PTO allotments or accruals. Applying PTO to an employee group will add set PTO rules for all employees assigned to the group at once.
- Step 1: Set up your employee group.
- Step 2: Navigate to your “Employee Group” page (under Settings).
- Step 3: Click on “PTO Settings ”.
- Step 4: Set your PTO rules for this employee group and “Save”.
*Note: If you update PTO in a group but an employee inside the group has special PTO needs, you will need to customize that employee's PTO details individually.
Bulk PTO
Bulk PTO can be utilized to add holiday hours for all employees at once. This can also be used to apply OT2 for employee working holidays at once if you know in advance.
- Step 1: Click “PTO ”, then “Add Bulk PTO.”
- Step 2: Under “Select Employees,” check the relevant employees.
- Step 3: Under “Select year to add PTO,” set the year.
- Step 4: Specify hours to be added. By default, this is set to holiday pay.
- Step 5: If desired, click “Show All” to show all types of time categories.
- Step 6: Enter the hours in the appropriate boxes, then click “Save PTO”.

Carrying Over PTO (PTO Renewal)
You can customize carryover PTO based on your company’s policy. By default, PTO will not carry over. Before renewing your PTO year, we strongly recommend you download the current PTO year.
- Step 1: Log in as an administrator on a browser.
- Step 2: Click “PTO ”, then select “PTO Renewal.”
- Step 3: Toggle “Renew PTO” for the relevant employees.
- Step 3: In the column labeled “Proposed PTO Values for New Year,” set your policy.
*Note: If you need to update an employee's allotted or accrued value, you will need to visit his or her profile to update the allotment or accrual amount.

If you select “Some Hours” as your policy, you can determine how many hours to carry over for that employee. This amount cannot exceed the employee's end-of-year PTO balance.
Retrieving Previous PTO Balances
- Step 1: Log in as an administrator on a browser.
- Step 2: Click “Settings ,” then select “Time Clock Settings.”
- Step 3: Scroll down and click “View Raw Activity Log.”
- Step 3: Check the box “Employee Record Updates & Deletes.”

- Step 4: Review the PTO modifications.
*Tip: You can use CTRL+Print Screen to save this information in a PDF.
View PTO Balances
- Step 1: Log in as the administrator or manager.
- Step 2: Click the “PTO” icon.
- Step 3: Select “PTO Summary.”
- Step 4: Under “Current PTO Hours,” select the name of the employee you wish to view.
- Step 5: The balances will be displayed below, and you can also view a detailed summary of the PTO used.
- Step 6: Click the “Excel Export” button near the right for a report or view on the screen. The export will show the rules set, balance, and dates used for an individual employee.