California Overtime Wage Calculator

California Overtime
Wage Calculator

Not sure how to properly calculate overtime for California? This easy and convenient tool will help employers and employees within the state of California to accurately calculate overtime hours worked.

Enter Hours Worked

*hint - enter decimal(8.5) or hh:mm(8:30) formats
Hour Totals
Decimal format (e.g 38.5 hours)

Payroll Totals

Optionally enter a pay rate to calculate gross payroll

What is The California Overtime Law

California overtime law requires employers to pay nonexempt employees who are 18 years of age or older for overtime hours worked. For employees who are between 16-17 years of age, and not required by law to attend school, will also be entitled to overtime benefits. This law includes nonexempt employees who are paid hourly, salary, and those who are paid on piece rate.

An employer is required to pay their employees one and one-half times their regular rate of pay for all hours over 8 hours in a workday, and over 40 hours in a workweek.

California overtime law requires employees to receive twice their regular pay when more than 12 hours are performed in a workday or more than 8 hours are worked on their seventh consecutive working day.

Who’s Excluded From Overtime in California?

It is very important to understand who and who’s not eligible to receive overtime benefits in the state of California. Although most employees in California are eligible to receive overtime pay, there are certain types of employees that are not entitled to overtime pay.

DYK, employees do not have to be a resident of California in order to qualify for California’s overtime laws?

Employees who are excluded from California overtime pay include:

Some unionized workers involved in a collective bargaining agreement.
Employees who are labeled and classified as an outside salesperson.
Workers who hold a specific occupation with overtime rules.
Employees who are classified as exempt employees whose primary duties include professional, administrative, or executive roles.

Professional Exemption

A professional employee is a person employed in a professional capacity including:

1. A person who earns more than twice the state minimum wage for full-time employment. 2. Someone whose job is in medicine, law, optometry, architecture, dentistry, engineering, accounting, teaching, art, and science and does not involve manual labor.
For additional information on California’s overtime exemption rule, we recommend visiting the State of California Department of Industrial Regulations.

Administrative Exemption

An employee with administrative exemption is employed in an administrative capacity including:

1. An employee or someone who assists a proprietor or an employee who is employed in an executive or administrative capacity. 2. Who is under only general supervision, works along specialized or technical lines requiring training, experience or knowledge. 3. A worker who performs office or non-manual work. 4.When earning more than two-times the state’s minimum wage.

Executive Exemption

An employee with executive exemption is an employee with executive capacity including:

1. An individual whose monthly earnings are not higher by (2) times the state minimum wage for full-time employment. 2. A person who regularly and customarily uses independent and discretionary judgment. 3. An employee that routinely directs the work of two or more employees/workers. 4. Responsibilities and duties involving the management of the organization or customarily recognized department or subdivisions in which the employee is employed through. 5. A person of authority to hire or fire other employees. 6. Primarily classified to engage in duties that qualify as exemption.